Understanding human trafficking through real stories | Smita Sharma | TEDxGateway
Every time we think about trafficking, we think about numbers and [...]
Every time we think about trafficking, we think about numbers and statistics. How many girls are trafficked in a year? How many girls go missing and how many are rescued?
Smita Sharma takes us to the stories and faces behind these numbers - and shows us the 'human' side of trafficking beyond the generic news reports that are devoid of personal stories. Smita Sharma is a renowned Delhi-based
photojournalist focused on documenting social issues,
sexual crimes, and human trafficking in the Global
South. Her work has been featured in prestigious
publications, including National Geographic Magazine
and The New York Times. Smita's powerful images
have received recognition and awards, and she
recently published a photo book called "We Cry In
Silence." She is a member of photography
communities and has undergone HEFAT training. Smita
holds a degree in photojournalism from the
International Center of Photography, New York. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedxShow More
How I found comfort in uncomfortable situations | James Notarangelo | TEDxYouth@SeaburyHall
Talks about becoming comfortable in uncomfortable situations and how [...]
Talks about becoming comfortable in uncomfortable situations and how it applies to one's life. James Notarangelo is a junior at Seabury Hall and plays soccer every day, aspiring to play at a collegiate level and beyond, to take his game to the highest level possible. After undergoing 4 surgeries and being out of the sport for around 19 months now, he is beginning to train and navigate the obstacles that await him. James is involved in TEDx because he believes it is the perfect platform to share one’s acquired knowledge with an audience, allowing them to benefit from the lessons learned without having to directly go through the hardships. Through his speech about becoming comfortable in uncomfortable situations, James hopes others embrace the inevitable difficulties of life and strive to become their best possible self. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedxShow More
Where Did You Go to High School? | Odessa Javier | TEDxClayton HS Youth
St. Louisians ask others where their high school alma mater is to [...]
St. Louisians ask others where their high school alma mater is to compare one's socioeconomic status. This talk explains the inequities in public school funding based on property values, how it affects students later on in their lives, and the solution to ensure public school funding is fair to the public. Odessa is so grateful for this opportunity. This speech has been her competitive Original Oratory for Speech & Debate. She has championed numerous tournaments with this speech, even earning the Missouri State Champion title this past year. Odessa wants to thank her family, coaches, and everyone who made this event possible. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedxShow More
Il primo giorno di Scuola | Lorenzo Micheli | TEDxPollica
Il primo giorno di scuola è molto più di una semplice ripartenza: è un [...]
Il primo giorno di scuola è molto più di una semplice ripartenza: è un risveglio collettivo, il più grande capodanno laico del nostro paese. È il giorno, forse l’unico, in cui gli studenti immaginano la scuola come piacerebbe a loro, prima di abituarsi a una scuola creata dagli altri. Ma la scuola del primo giorno è davvero così diversa da quella del cinquantesimo? Spesso sì, ma non dovrebbe esserlo. Farle coincidere è responsabilità di tutti.
In questo TEDx Talk, Lorenzo Micheli ci invita a riflettere sulla grandezza di questo stato di premessa, dove tutto può ancora essere. Lorenzo illustra perché sia fondamentale recuperare e mantenere vivo lo spirito del primo giorno: abbinare le premesse ai risultati, le promesse alle esperienze, i desideri ai fatti.
Lorenzo Micheli è un esperto di politiche per la formazione, l’orientamento e l’internazionalizzazione, speaker professionista e conduttore di grandi eventi in ambito edutainment. In questo talk ci guida in un viaggio di 10 anni nel mondo della scuola, esplorando il potere rigenerativo di quattro azioni: chiamare, connettere, ingaggiare, abilitare. Classe 1990, fondatore di CAMPOBASE, osservatorio-laboratorio multidisciplinare che cura progetti e processi di innovazione sociale attraverso le arti della formazione. Dal 2015 collabora con il Ministero dell’Istruzione italiano, prima come policy advisor poi come coordinatore del programma ‘Futura Italia’ (PNSD), oggi come consulente per l’internazionalizzazione e curatore del tour di ‘Scuola Futura’. Durante l’Expo 2020 a Dubai, ha guidato la programmazione education di Padiglione Italia. Pioniere nell’uso di metodologie, format e modelli innovativi di apprendimento, ha condotto centinaia di eventi di formazione e di edutainment in Italia e all’estero, abilitando diverse community di studenti, docenti e formatori. Dal 2023 tiene il corso in “Co-Creation for Policy” all’Università Statale di Milano. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedxShow More
From Quitter to Conqueror | Aahan Patel | TEDxNavrachana International School Vadodara
The talk "From Quitter to Conqueror" shares a personal method to [...]
The talk "From Quitter to Conqueror" shares a personal method to overcome the urge to quit. It details his transformation from a pattern of abandoning pursuits to discovering the power of perseverance and passion. By recounting my experiences of moving to America, facing rejection, and finding solace in running, Aahan illustrates how embracing discipline, consistency, and a stubborn resolve can turn setbacks into strengths, offering a practical approach to conquering the desire to give up. Aahan Patel, a Grade 11 CBSE student at Navrachana International School Vadodara, is passionate about sports, especially running, and has a keen interest in geopolitical affairs. He enjoys watching tennis and admires Roger Federer. Aahan has a soft spot for community service and art, often combining the two. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedxShow More
The Question of Power | Seonghwan Park | TEDxYouth@IJSHS
Climate change and its side effects are becoming more critical, and we [...]
Climate change and its side effects are becoming more critical, and we need to change our overall lifestyle. There could be many ways to solve the problem with energy, but they aren't enough; they need our questions to drive progress. 교내 수학동아리 라플레시아 부장,
인천 지역 과학전람회 우수상 " 안구건조증 해결을 위한 하이드로겔 첨가 인공눈물 연구" This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedxShow More
Gravitational waves and why you exist | Lydia Guertin | TEDxHaverford College
In June 2023, an international team of astronomers announced the [...]
In June 2023, an international team of astronomers announced the detection of significant evidence for a low-frequency gravitational wave background permeating our universe. How does that even happen, and what does it mean? More importantly, why should I give this news more than a passing glance? It doesn’t change anything about my life anyways…right? In her talk, Lydia Guertin uses the scientific creativity underlying this discovery to illustrate a much larger point: what happens in our minds translates to the futures we build. The questions we ask — and crucially, the way we ask them — become our limiting factors; the boundaries of our spheres of influence. Lydia Guertin was admitted as the youngest member of the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) in 2022, where she works with the Noise Budget Working Group to mitigate interfering signals in pulsar timing array datasets that are then used as a “detector” for gravitational waves. She graduated with High Honors from Haverford College in 2024 with dual B.Sc. degrees in Physics and Astronomy, and now works with the Academia Sinica Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics in Taiwan. Along with her personal projects, Lydia is involved with several education and public outreach programs, including as a 2024 NASA Partner Eclipse Ambassador, and is a lifetime fellow of the American Junior Academy of Science. On her own time, Lydia is a distance runner and thru-hiker, seeking out opportunities to enjoy the night sky away from the lens of a telescope. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedxShow More
"Why?"―The Question that Helps Us Grow | Hyunsu Joung | TEDxYouth@IJSHS
We ask questions to get answers. But how many answers have you really [...]
We ask questions to get answers. But how many answers have you really found by yourself? And from those answers, what have you learned and made into your know-how? You can grow by asking "Why?" in this talk, we will explore how asking "Shy?" can help you improve and why it's important to keep asking this question by introducing my real case where I had improved as a more sensible developer. 메타버스 동아리 Metarist 동아리장 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedxShow More
Keep Asking Questions for Better Life | Taehyun Kwon | TEDxYouth@IJSHS
While we live, there are extraordinary times when we gain insightful [...]
While we live, there are extraordinary times when we gain insightful perspectives and acknowledgments. Many of those new kinds of vision and discernment come from questioning. The speaker recommends questioning from your daily life; thus, experiencing your life further improves with the forward-looking viewpoint you gained from questioning. 인천광역시 과학전람회 (우수상), "캐리어 가방의 주행조건에 따른 안정성 고찰",
교내 발명품 아이디어 경진대회(금상) "인아웃벤치",
고등학교 2학년 동아리 부장 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedxShow More
Questions that Leads to the Real You | Woojoo Kim | TEDxYouth@IJSHS
Finding the real self is about knowing and loving oneself more. [...]
Finding the real self is about knowing and loving oneself more. Creating a fake self, which acts as an impermanent, fragile mental barrier based on a distrust toward oneself, can destroy the real self. Here are two fundamental questions you should ask yourself that help you find your real self. 2024 PRE-URP 참여,
2024 과학 전람회 수상(전국특상) "갯가재 집게발의 Bouligand 구조를 응용한 이중 반꼬임 구조의 안정성 분석" This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedxShow More
The Role of Questions in Learning and Life | Taehyun Joung | TEDxYouth@IJSHS
When you learn something, the presence or absence of questions can [...]
When you learn something, the presence or absence of questions can greatly affect the depth of learning. Furthermore, questions should be applied to form a desirable attitude toward life. 1학년 생명과학 동아리 부장1학년 영어 미디어 제작부 동아리 부장
PRE-URP 프로그램 발표 참여
엔지니어링 산업 경진대회-동상
에너지 환경 탐구 대회-금상(장관상) This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedxShow More